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How to determine your engine code

The engine code is the first thing you need for professional tuning
Jerôme Vogel
Pro tuner

Determine the engine code

Determining the engine code is essential for professional tuning of your vehicle. Here you can find out how and where to find it and why it is needed in the first place.

In the service booklet (especially for VAG models)

If you are lucky, you will find the engine code on a sticker in the service booklet or even on the sticker in the trunk of your vehicle. The VAG Group, in particular, provides the code there.

Rarely: In the vehicle registration document and in CoC papers

Although it is rare, the engine code is sometimes stated in the vehicle registration document under field D.2. You will find it in the chain of custody papers under item 21.

The safest option: Using the chassis number (VIN)

The engine code can also be determined using the chassis number (VIN), but you will need a paid program for this. It is therefore better to visit your trusted garage for this. The VIN is a 17-digit combination of numbers and letters that you can find in the vehicle registration document. It is the most reliable way to determine the engine code.

Not very reliable: Using the key number (HSN/TSN)

The key number can also be used to find out the code of your engine. However, this variant is not very reliable, which is why we would not recommend it.

Caution: Note that the engine code and engine number are not the same thing. While the code is a combination of letters and/or numbers, the engine number is a consecutive number. It is assigned to the engines during production and is important if other components have been fitted to an engine from a certain point in time that no longer fit older models with the same engine code.

Jerôme Vogel
Pro tuner
His first car was a G60 Corrado, followed by several VW models, which did not remain untouched. Currently Jerôme is focused on the conversions of the VW and Audi models at BAR-TEK®. After his school career, which he finished with a technical high school diploma and then did his apprenticeship as a car mechanic, Jerôme worked in the DTM for 12 years. In over 100 races, Jerôme was responsible for Mercedes-Benz as well as for Audi-Sport as a gearbox mechanic and chief mechanic for race cars. Since mid-2021, he is now wrenching in the BAR-TEK® workshop and takes care of customers' vehicles, specialized development/special conversions as well as various implementations of Bartek's ideas.
Expert in
Cylinder head tuning
Prototype construction
Chassis components
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Lucas Wolf
23.06.2024, 21:50 Uhr
Guten Tag, Ich habe einen Golf 7 TCR gekauft mit 53.000km bei einem bekannten Händler in NRW… der Wagen hat vom Vorbesitzer also Auto ist aus erster Hand einen Austauschmotor von VW bekommen auf Kulanz von VW… Im Fahrzeug Schein vom Auto steht der motorcode DNUC ich bin mir aber unsicher ob dass stimmt wo kann ich den im motorraum schauen und gucken wo der Motor Code steht? Wie siehst aus mit der schwarzen Plastik Blende am Kettenantrieb oben bei den beiden Nockenwellen verstellern da soll so ein weißer Sticker sein ? Lg und ich hoffe und freue mich sehr auf Hilfe ich würde eure Hilfe schätzen und weiter empfehlen
icon / general / ico_arrow-rewind
25.06.2024, 11:40 Uhr
Hi, Lucas. Wir würden davon ausgehen, dass von VW auch wieder ein Motor mit demselben Motorcode verbaut wurde. Dies sollte auch auf der an der besagten Plastikblende stehen. Welcher Motor, mit welchem Motorcode verbaut wurde, kann allerdings nur VW.
14.09.2024, 10:09 Uhr
Thanks I'm still lost so rf1s7g be what type of car this engine go in
icon / general / ico_arrow-rewind
18.09.2024, 08:49 Uhr
Hi Bo, it's not a VAG engine. This is possibly a Mazda engine. Since we specialize in VAG, we unfortunately cannot help you further.