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Why should you install an oil catch tank?

When an oil catch tank system is installed, the oil vapors from the engine ventilation are not guided back to the intake manifold but directly into the catch tank. This creates fewer carbon deposits on the valves, leading to more performance and a better engine running.

Why are carbon deposits bad for the engine?

The formation of carbon deposits on the intake valves can lead, in the worst case, to valve tear-off and to major engine damage. Even a few carbon deposits are noticeable by irregular idling and power loss. Carbon deposits occur due to long-life oils, poor quality fuel and short distance driving. The installation of an oil catch tank slows down the formation of carbon deposits considerably.

Return adapter – no more separate draining

With the return adapter for oil catch tanks, you finally won´t have to drain the catch tank separately any longer. It is simply fitted to the oil pan between the oil return line. This way, the oil collected in the catch tank can flow back into the oil pan. The adapter is made of aluminum, comes with gaskets and screws and is easy to install.